Food & Beverage

Boost your brand visibility

Product Number: KXULO-GHBAF

Description: Kan-Tastic

Industry: Food & Beverage

What it was purchased for: An atheletics team for a college football team wanted something to give out to fans before games, as well as something that they can use during the games, either at home or at the stadium. As a result, they set up a fast-food chain giveaway with Kan-Tastic can holders for college football nights. 

How it was distributed: The vendor handed the Kan-Tastic out at the gate during a college football game. The items were printed with the team logo and schedule on one side and the fast-food logo on the other. It was the perfect branding opportunity for both the team and the fast-food chain.

Result or ROI: Many fans were using the item during the event, boosting brand visibility for the fast-food chain throughout the game. It also boosted team morale, as it showed a lot of fans out their supporting their home college football team.

It was the perfect branding opportunity for both the team and the fast-food chain